
After selecting an individual room via its Room Tile, you will be brought to the Dashboard for that particular room. This page shows a more in-depth summary of the conditions in the room, the hardware stages that are active (including how many stages are mapped but not active), any active alarms (including a more detailed description of what is going wrong), and serves as the initial page to navigate to further control configuration pages for the room.

Below are two examples of room dashboards, one for a newly created room with nothing mapped or configured, and one for a fully configured room with all its hardware set to be active for a demonstration:




For an overview of the UI elements on the dashboard, we will refer to the fully mapped and configured room as an example:


As you can see there are many similarities between the Room Tiles and the Room Dashboard display, and the same information is displayed on both for much of the center window, so refer to that section for descriptions of the unmarked elements. There are three notable differences between the information displayed on the dashboard view versus the tile view, specifically the Alarm Indicator [16] now shows more information about the nature of the alarm, the addition of a mapped Analog Output Display [15] which will be discussed in its own section, and an adjustment to the "STAGES" display that removes boxes for stages which are not mapped (as opposed to the Room Tile view which always has 4 boxes even if less stages are mapped).

For any of the **Environmental Control Buttons [2 - 7] **selected, the Context Buttons [9-13] will allow you to navigate to specific pages within the context of whichever environmental control option you have selected. If you select a context button without choosing an environmental control button, it will default to the temperature option.

Note: Not all environmental controls have every context option available! For example, the Fans environmental control option does not have Graphs, Alarms, or Sensors associated with it, so those context buttons are disabled while that control option is selected.

1: Dashboard Button


This button navigates back to the Room Dashboard page from any other page of the single room interface.

2: Temperature Control Button


This button applies the temperature context interface to the selected room. Any context buttons [9-13] selected while this option is active will navigate to the appropriate temperature-focused page, with the default being the Temperature Settings page if no context button is selected.

For information about the context buttons, refer to their specific sections later in this page.

3: Humidity Control Button